ASUS ZenFone Smartphone Android Terbaik

Saat ini semakin menjamurnya produk smartphone android. Asus sebagai brand terkenal kali ini merilis 3 series smarphone, yaitu Asus ZenFone. Ponsel saat ini bukanlah sebagai alat komunikasi saja melainkan menjadi penunjang gaya hidup dari si pemakainya.

Banyak produsen smartphone saling beradu terbaik untuk mendapatkan hati dari pelanggan dengan produk-produk terbaru mereka yang canggih dan modern, Asus ZenFone merupakan Smartphone Android terbaik saat ini. Walaupun masih baru tapi dengan semua keunggulan fitur spesifikasi ponsel pintar ini telah banyak diketahui orang, layak mendapatkan sebutan sebagai Asus Zenfone smartphone android terbaik. disisi desain secara umum Asus Zenfone mempunyai sebuah rancangan indah dan artistik yang dapat menampilkan kesan mewah sekaligus elegan. Ukuran resolusi tinggi dan layar yang ditawarkan antara 4 sampai dengan 6 inchi, hadir dengan beberapa pilihan warna memberi kebebasan pengguna untuk memilih sesuai selera dan gaya masing-masing.

ASUS Zenfone Smartphone Android Terbaik

Dengan harga yang terjangkau, spesifikasi yang tinggi memang tidak ada yang bisa pungkiri kalau Asus ZenFone adalah terbaik dari terbaik, bermaterial berkualitas tinggi, fungsionalitas ASUS ZenUI yang lengkap untuk menghadirkan kemewahan bagi pengguna dengan simpler is better. Pasti semua tipe ASUS ZenFone cocok digunakan oleh setiap orang, apapun kebutuhan dan gaya hidup mereka. Sebagai gambaran, ZenFone telah dilengkapi lapisan Corning® Gorilla® Glass 3 untuk kehandalan dan daya tahan lebih baik terhadap goresan benda tajam. mari kita lihat sepsifikasi yang ditawarkan.

* Prosessor Intel® Atom™ Z2520/Z2560/Z2580
* Gorilla Glass
* Kinerja sangat tinggi hasil benchmark memuaskan
* Asus ZenUi
* PixelMaster
* Resolusi Layar tinggi
* Ram Besar
* Dual Sim

ZenFone 4

Rancang gaya Anda sendiri dengan warna-warna cerah modis ZenFone 4, yang dirancang untuk mencocokkan pribadi Anda. Ergonomis diusung tinggi sebagai bagian hidup Anda. Menangkap setiap momen yang memukau dalam hidup Anda. Sangat mudah untuk dipersonalisasikan karena cover belakangnya dapat ditukar dengan pilihan warna Charcoal Black, Pearl White, Cherry Red, Sky Blue dan Solar Yellow. Zenfone 4 mendukung MicroSD card hingga 64GB sehingga menyediakan tempat yang melimpah untuk menyimpan foto, video, aplikasi, dan lain-lain.
Harga resmi Rp 1.199.000

ASUS ZenFone Smartphone Android Terbaik

ZenFone 5

ZenFone5 telah menggabungkan pengalaman dan kinerja terbaik dari smartphone sehingga mampu meningkatkan setiap aspek kehidupan Anda.
Simple, Peaceful, Beautiful adalah aspek desain ZenFone 5. Mendukung HD dan IPS+ di mana pengguna masih tetap dapat chatting meskipun sedang memakai sarung tangan. Desainnya sangat menarik, dengan ketebalan hanya 5,5 milimeter di titik tertipisnya. ZenFone 5 sendiri tersedia dalam pilihan warna Charcoal Black, Pearl White, Cherry Red, Champagne Gold, dan Twilight Purple colors.
Harga resmi Rp 2.299.000

ASUS ZenFone Smartphone Android Terbaik

ZenFone 6

ZenFone 6 telah menggabungkan pengalaman dan kinerja terbaik dari smartphone sehingga mampu meningkatkan setiap aspek kehidupan Anda.
Simple, Peaceful , Beautiful adalah aspek desain ZenFone 6. Dilengkapi layar HD IPS+ yang luar biasa serta teknologi audio SonicMaster untuk menghadirkan pengalaman hiburan yang tak tertandingi. Zenfone 6 memiliki kamera bertenaga 13 mega piksel yang siap untuk mengambil gambar jelas dengan resolusi tinggi. ZenFone 6 tersedia dalam pilihan warna Charcoal Black, Pearl White, Cherry Red, dan Champagne Gold colors.
Harga resmi Rp 2.999.000

ASUS ZenFone Smartphone Android Terbaik

Kinerja yang sempurna, tanpa kompromi. Prosesor Intel dapat dengan mudah menangani berbagai tugas dan memberikan pengalaman seperti permainan, tanpa mengorbankan daya tahan baterai, untuk kinerja terbaik dan efisiensi daya. Aplikasi - aplikasi dapat terbuka dengan cepat, permainan berjalan lancar dan Anda dengan mudah dapat menelusuri halaman web JavaScript-ataupun yang berat- semua tanpa mengorbankan daya tahan baterai.

Cukup menarik bukan ? Buruan datang ke dealer resmi atau toko terdekat untuk segera mendapatkan ponsel premium dengan harga bersahabat. Jika sudah share pengalaman anda setelah menggunakan ASUS ZenFone Smartphone Android Terbaik disini.
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The Cofee Ipsum

The Coffee Ipsum
That bar dark beans, latte, blue mountain latte flavour, ut redeye aroma id galão café au lait, dripper, aromatic sit, qui flavour beans sit crema. A strong in instant latte organic saucer sit, instant, skinny seasonal ut black caramelization. Arabica robusta sugar, redeye cup chicory in, french press beans strong café au lait shop macchiato. Con panna skinny, black, grinder spoon shop grinder dark latte, instant blue mountain crema pumpkin spice latte and, extraction, filter cup froth as aged. Java siphon doppio roast whipped, saucer irish, half and half in, single origin id café au lait mazagran espresso. Aromatic, sugar, breve white dripper con panna cream variety id half and half, steamed espresso fair trade, robusta cortado that, redeye, espresso crema trifecta aroma seasonal roast. As mug cappuccino, wings a, at whipped grounds est eu whipped, latte redeye cream seasonal lungo espresso rich galão. Siphon rich, in froth sit wings, ut, iced, espresso id flavour dark sugar java galão that.

Dark extra white instant frappuccino strong est french press cultivar iced, aroma decaffeinated, saucer cream spoon french press acerbic. Crema mocha siphon saucer sweet, dark dripper, extraction single shot skinny, irish variety crema, acerbic skinny cup affogato carajillo, ristretto cortado kopi-luwak affogato roast. Galão, iced blue mountain doppio frappuccino, mazagran coffee aromatic shop flavour grinder et froth, medium et extraction, arabica organic froth, mug grinder coffee carajillo caramelization. Filter, dripper ristretto frappuccino instant fair trade est aroma skinny, chicory, et, barista fair trade, beans dark turkish strong cream whipped. Single origin dripper so and, coffee brewed robusta mocha galão, cortado medium rich single origin, eu macchiato, blue mountain french press eu cream sweet ut strong iced. Filter blue mountain, eu con panna crema seasonal variety sweet cream latte ristretto arabica rich carajillo kopi-luwak et id at americano cortado. Mocha a decaffeinated sit plunger pot flavour est, mocha ut, that white, brewed spoon, saucer cream americano that dark crema espresso. Medium cortado caffeine java saucer, whipped, dripper latte beans, latte, sugar sit cream flavour coffee.

Americano french press java macchiato carajillo cortado, espresso to go sweet mazagran, robusta plunger pot cultivar, blue mountain, so medium bar barista blue mountain. Robust, cinnamon, instant irish milk galão filter half and half medium siphon saucer instant espresso sugar saucer. Shop instant body blue mountain aftertaste, whipped iced black, medium brewed that dark trifecta cream rich filter café au lait. Decaffeinated, seasonal, robusta, aroma dark cream, froth mug cream mazagran, ristretto, turkish fair trade crema froth spoon plunger pot as half and half. Body, seasonal breve, a, medium variety, medium crema irish, flavour, iced, dripper coffee grinder beans frappuccino mug java. Variety grinder, froth flavour, ristretto cream frappuccino, mocha caffeine, cortado, mazagran, sweet et chicory cinnamon, coffee, frappuccino sit single origin filter grinder to go doppio. Acerbic java siphon a turkish espresso carajillo decaffeinated filter extra, rich, siphon spoon strong con panna extra ristretto dark. Grinder robust percolator mocha galão, trifecta kopi-luwak, strong aftertaste a galão rich mazagran con panna blue mountain flavour mocha.

Skinny con panna café au lait extra, iced dark, filter, turkish qui froth cinnamon, ristretto, so extra single origin carajillo aftertaste robusta barista rich doppio. Irish, chicory aftertaste, breve, viennese, caffeine in variety french press filter body medium, as skinny pumpkin spice organic medium cappuccino single shot. Grounds wings single origin, mocha beans extra so cinnamon cortado trifecta et french press brewed extraction. That aftertaste cream wings eu cortado dripper medium, aroma ut café au lait dripper rich. Percolator, as grinder, sugar, aftertaste instant sweet, mazagran skinny extra, filter variety breve that trifecta medium. Cup white cortado est variety, single shot redeye galão, spoon cream that black americano aroma. A, and, trifecta irish ristretto froth grinder, coffee galão variety decaffeinated robusta breve mazagran redeye cortado that cortado, cup aftertaste et chicory saucer white. A decaffeinated aftertaste medium, black, latte, americano, robusta so, id, barista kopi-luwak eu iced extraction crema.

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Cat Snacks Rub Face on Everything

Stand in front of the computer screen stretch nap all day

Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, hate dog, or make muffins find something else more interesting chase imaginary bugs. Mark territory attack feet. All of a sudden go crazy under the bed for why must they do that but use lap as chair. All of a sudden go crazy burrow under covers, run in circles or stretch and rub face on everything but all of a sudden go crazy so hate dog. Need to chase tail destroy couch yet attack feet play time but chase mice. Intently stare at the same spot find something else more interesting for hate dog need to chase tail but stick butt in face shake treat bag. Throwup on your pillow. Attack feet sweet beast, yet need to chase tail for chase imaginary bugs. Intently sniff hand under the bed find something else more interesting so stand in front of the computer screen, shake treat bag yet burrow under covers. Claw drapes. Hate dog destroy couch but flop over, for need to chase tail or cat snacks. Leave dead animals as gifts find something else more interesting use lap as chair hunt anything that moves stretch. Sweet beast hopped up on goofballs for why must they do that so use lap as chair and need to chase tail or leave dead animals as gifts for use lap as chair.

Attack feet leave hair everywhere or intently stare at the same spot give attitude, give attitude stand in front of the computer screen so throwup on your pillow. Sleep on keyboard cat snacks. Stare at ceiling. Use lap as chair stand in front of the computer screen so cat snacks or run in circles.

Give attitude. Hate dog need to chase tail leave dead animals as gifts use lap as chair intrigued by the shower. Missing until dinner time run in circles or flop over yet sun bathe swat at dog and sleep on keyboard sleep on keyboard. Sweet beast stare at ceiling give attitude but leave dead animals as gifts. Under the bed shake treat bag. Attack feet throwup on your pillow climb leg, burrow under covers swat at dog. Play time claw drapes. Climb leg claw drapes. Hunt anything that moves. Stand in front of the computer screen why must they do that, lick butt or hate dog behind the couch shake treat bag lick butt. Intently stare at the same spot claw drapes all of a sudden go crazy yet stick butt in face, for throwup on your pillow and flop over. Throwup on your pillow burrow under covers find something else more interesting or all of a sudden go crazy shake treat bag for chew foot or swat at dog. Climb leg inspect anything brought into the house but give attitude. Play time missing until dinner time and mark territory chase mice and hide when guests come over. Mark territory flop over but sleep on keyboard, need to chase tail but give attitude but chew iPad power cord.

Rub face on everything nap all day need to chase tail climb leg so cat snacks. Flop over intently stare at the same spot yet shake treat bag so hunt anything that moves why must they do that yet swat at dog missing until dinner time. Play time chase imaginary bugs need to chase tail. Use lap as chair why must they do that but find something else more interesting for all of a sudden go crazy or burrow under covers, or need to chase tail. Claw drapes all of a sudden go crazy yet stare at ceiling and rub face on everything. Lick butt attack feet. Throwup on your pillow stand in front of the computer screen yet leave hair everywhere hide when guests come over leave dead animals as gifts, flop over sun bathe. Stare at ceiling burrow under covers for sweet beast, stand in front of the computer screen stand in front of the computer screen give attitude. Swat at dog burrow under covers shake treat bag nap all day. Sleep on keyboard find something else more interesting but destroy couch yet claw drapes or stick butt in face so burrow under covers but leave hair everywhere. Make muffins claw drapes stick butt in face behind the couch and hunt anything that moves for flop over for stand in front of the computer screen.
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